Dear Friends:
In January, the ninth annual “Legacy” conference was held in Detroit. We have also been in East Lansing and Ann Arbor, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Newark, New Jersey; St Paul, Minnesota; and Jacksonville, Florida. (Looking over this list, I am thinking more January conferences in warm places would be nice!) We do try to move around so we can enjoy all different sorts of places. While Legacy is not a Kairos event, many past and present Kairos staff and Kairos participants put on this conference and attend it.
We had over 80 folks from across North America come. Attendees ranged in age from early 20’s to early 30’s. The purpose of Legacy is like all our Kairos events: to help people choose for the Lord in every stage of life. Many of the people attending have participated in one or more Kairos event: summer adventure trips, YES! Retreats, service years, and so on. They said “yes” to following Christ and
being a disciple when they were young teens, older teens, college students, and/or working 20-somethings.
Now they are getting married, starting careers, choosing where to live, trying out celibate life, pursuing advanced degrees, buying homes, and so on. They are trying to find meaning in life at this stage—which turns out to be a struggle in our society.
Legacy is a time for folks to recommit to living the Gospel and being renewed in their commitment to mature, life-long disciple-ship. Mike Shaughnessy talked about what to do when life throws you a “wobbly” (no, we are not sure what that exactly means but it does communicate). Mike talked about how we experience grace when things do not go as we planned or how we had hoped they would.
In the decade of doing Legacy Conferences, over 1,000 folks have attended. Many have found the deeper walk with the Lord they were se
eking, or were encouraged, or made significant decisions, and many have made and strengthened friendships—grown as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Every stage of life brings its own opportunities and struggles. Our speakers tried to give hints, helps, and tools for coming through the current stage successfully.
The sharing with other brothers and sisters in a similar place of life (as well has having fun and fellowship with one another) was encouraging. We aim to make this a time of refreshment as well as growth.
As our Kairos youth grow into adulthood, we still value the opportunity to touch base and encourage them in their desire to follow the Lord. Many, even most, of our youth continue to embrace the call to follow Jesus Christ and organize their adult lives and families around the Christian call to be mature disciples.
Thank you for walking with them all the way through their youth. Your prayers for
them and your financial support for our Kairos programs are concrete ways you are making a difference in the next generation. We appreciate you more than we can express. May the Lord richly bless you and keep you in His hands.
Your brother in the Lord’s service,
James Munk
Kairos Director