Gap Alumni

Class of 2008-09


Joe Cahalan

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Youth Work and University Outreach


John D. Quense

Hometown: Warren, New Jersey
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Youth Work


Zoe Thompson

Hometown: London, England
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Youth Work and Office Admin


Bernhard Roerhl

Hometown: Munich, Germany
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Youth Work


Victor Barbara

Hometown: Beirut, Lebanon
Gap Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Youth Work and Inner-City Ministry

Class of 2009-10

Abe Gross
Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
Gap Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Youthworks Detroit, Bezalel after-school program Urban Encounters
Post-Gap: Studying at Benedictine University in Kansas.

Chris Diroff
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Gap Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Youthworks Detroit staff
Post-Gap: Serving on Youthworks Detroit staff, preparing to enter medical school.

Elisabeth Kantert
Hometown: Olching, Germany
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Tabor House Publishing intern, Asaph Project
Post-Gap: Studying at university in Munich.

Mary Skiba
Hometown: Lansing, Michigan
Gap Location: Middletown, Maryland
Service: The Word Among Us, Triumph of the Cross Youth Group
Post-Gap: Studying at Lansing Community College.

Patti Sotelo
Hometown: Acapulco, Mexico
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: UCO Lansing
Post-Gap: Studying at university in Acapulco.

Pili Galvan
Hometown: Xalapa, Mexico
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Junior staff with UCO, Christian Youth in Action, Asaph Project
Post-Gap: Studying at university in Xalapa.

Class of 2010-11

Abdo Barakat
Hometown: Beirut, Lebanon - Toronto, ON
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Education: M.S. Finance, The George Washington University '09 - B.A. Economics, American University of Beirut '07
Service: Ignite Youth Group, Word of Life office
Life outside GAP: Learning guitar, writing music, shooting gap videos, consuming and tasting home-brewed beer, and learning to appreciate Michigan football!

Ben Wulpi
Hometown: Fort Wayne, Indiana
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Education: B.A. in Bible & Religion, Huntington University 2010
Service: UCO staff in Ann Arbor, other various things that gappers do
Life outside GAP: Frisbee, napping, birdwatching, frolicking in meadows, podracing, chair-sitting, crocheting scarves, pencil sharpening, performing concerts with my nose-flute

Montserrat Navarrete
Hometown: Acapulco, Mexico
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Education: Will study Architecture when i return home
Service: High School, Middle-School and the Community Office
Life outside GAP: I enjoy spending my time walking or sharing with my friends, reading or cooking desserts (sometimes:) and I love to dance.

Niamh McFadden
Hometown: Belfast, N. Ireland
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Education: BSc Geography, Queen's University Belfast
Service: Ignite High School, UCO and Word of Life Offices
Life outside GAP: Things of a geographical nature, walking, reading, making friends with people who like tea, bananagrams, trying/failing to bake and the occasional adventure with friends.

Ana Aragon
Hometown: San Jose, Costa Rica
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Education: Starts college Fall 2011 Eastern Michigan, Theater Arts
Service: YouthWorks-Detroit Staff, Edify Youth Teacher, Bezalel Asistant, Youth Group assistant director, Catechist. Among other things. 
Life outside GAP: I love reading, babysitting, volleyball, soccer, basketball, and just hanging out with people.

Andy Jordan
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Education: Sports Science, University of Glasgow.
Service: Youthworks Detroit, Servants of the Word Household
Life outside GAP: Playing football (the European version), socializing at the nearest watering hole.

Sam Wolf
Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Education: B.A Political Sciene, University of Minnesota 10'
Service:YouthWorks-Detroit: Finances, EdifYouth, Bezalel, organising Urban Encounter
Life outside GAP: Reading classical literature; hanging out with friends; travelling.

Sarah Nilles
Hometown: Holland, Iowa
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Education: Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Service: Youthworks Detroit staff
Life outside GAP: Thinking whistfully of riding into the sunset on a tractor through a large field of corn in the Iowan hinterlands.

John Mamonluk
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Education: Bachelor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
Service:  Campus Outreach Staff, House Servant  
Life outside GAP: Jamming and playing guitar/bass, Fellowshipping, good conversations, eating and I really enjoy taking long showers.

Magz McQuoid
Hometown: Belfast, N. Ireland
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Education: Starting Queens University Belfast 2011
Service: CYA Staff, Asaph, Kairos Office, Making people laugh uncontrollably.
Life outside GAP: Listening to hipster music, collecting Converse All-Stars, conspiring to get farm animals into the Gap program.

Nicole Terwilliger
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Education: B.A. International Relations, Minor in Middle East Studies, Grand Valley State University '10
Service: Special Ops and clandestine missions for Kairos and UCO
Life outside GAP: Playing with fuzzy baby animals, receiving aggressive driving tactics training, and sleeping.

Paul Michael Graham
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Education: English Lit MA, University of Glasgow '10  
Service: Tabor House, Sword of the Spirit Teaching Team Intern, CYA Staff, Asaph Program Director of Piggy-Backs
Life outside GAP: Playing and watching football (real football, with feet); writing and reading; bad jokes; travel; music; looking at stuff; ideas.

Class of 2011-12


Juan Pablo Galvan

Hometown: Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Service: Youth Program, UCO and Service with the Community (Word of Life)
Lifeoutside GAP: basketball, soccer, and play guitar

Julian Pourie

Hometown: Unterhaching, Bayern, Germany
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Service: Youth Programm (Ignite), UCO, Work in the community office, service in Detroit
Life outside GAP: Basketball, soccer, all other kinds of sport, and ballroom dancing

Becky DePoe

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
GAP Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
GAP Service: Asian Outreach, UCO, Ignite Youth Group, Word of Life Office
Life Outside GAP: Reading creative non-fiction, jogging, traveling, sipping iced coffee with interesting Michiganders, attending book clubs.

Anna Bode

Hometown: Saint Paul, Minnesota
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Leading the girls' side of the youth group, Middle school small group leader with the Bezalel Project, High school small group leader with CornerStone Schools
Life outside GAP: What life? Running around Wayne State, reading intellectually stimulating and soul-moving books, blogging/writing, playing guitar, playing with petite children, drinking tea and pots of coffee, attempting to cook/bake, and a good power nap

Daniel Andrade

Hometown: Toronto, Canada
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: YouthWorks Detroit, Project Bezalel, leading a youth group
Life outside GAP: biking, swimming, reading, playing ping pong and pool and computer science

Glenna Schleusener

Hometown: Dimondale, Michigan
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Bezalel Project
Life outside GAP: Writing, reading, computer games, and hanging out with my siblings

Mary Schaefer

Hometown: Lansing, Michigan
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: YouthWorks-Detroit; EdifYouth, Bezalel, Cornerstone
Life outside GAP: interior design, eating, neon colors, and avoiding sports

Noel Bradley-Johnston

Hometown: Belfast, Northern Ireland
GAP Location: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Youthworks-Detroit - mainly finances and whatever else they need me to do
Life outside GAP: volunteering with youth programs, writing music, and wasting time on Facebook

Christine Meeds

Hometown: Marine, Minnesota
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: community office (tabor house), preschool
Life outside of GAP: Laughing with my friends, backpacking, long intense canoe trips, picking on my little brother, basketball, traveling, summer camp, being in the middle of nowhere, and talking con mis chiquitas 🙂

Daniel Meixner

Hometown: Gnadenthal, Hessen, Germany
GAP Loaction: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Kairos office, Asaph, CYA/Junior High
Life outside GAP: sports (soccer), friends, reading, Christian youth work (in Germany), and keeping up with political, economic and business events

Dominic Schryvers

Hometown: Nelson, New Zealand
Gap Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: UCO, Asaph, and CYA
Life outside GAP: working out, hanging out with friends, traveling, sports, and watching Football, Rugby or Baseball

John Dehitta

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: Work of Christ Youth Program Staff, ASAPH Staff/helper, UCO Servant, Lansing City Rescue Mission
Life outside GAP: playing games, conversing and laughing with friends, good hearty laughs from great clean jokes, practicing accents and voices, Ninja, Reading, music and song, and attempting to bring dapper dialogue back into fashion

Katie Doyle

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan
Service: UCO staffing, household leading
Life outside of GAP: reading several very large books at once (generally accompanied by several very large cups of tea), collecting pig trinkets, laughing at my own bad puns, baking cookies, organizing my highlighters and post-it notes, writing obscenely important memos, hosting private dance parties with Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, and convincing the world that it should love Rene Girard's mimetic theory

Michelle Thornton

Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
GAP location: Frederick, Maryland and University of Maryland
Service: Working with UCO Frederick and UCO Maryland
Life outside GAP: Part time job at Word Among Us

Class of 2012-13

James Murray

Hometown: North Plainfield, New Jersey

GAP Location: Detroit, MI

Service: Serving YouthWorks-Detroit; working with the high school youth group, Gospel Lords.

Life outside GAP: Learning to play guitar, and answering e-mail from James.


Mara Narciso

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

GAP Location: Lansing, Michigan

Service: Asaph and UCO Gap Staff

Life outside GAP: Exploring Vancouver (even after 7 years of living there), building relationships, spending time with family and friends, being hyper and silly with my sisters, praying and reflecting, laughing, singing, dancing, cooking/baking, running, playing badminton, eating various cuisines, walking and enjoying nature, and trying to explore new things!


Mark Petritsch

Hometown: South Plainfield, NJ

GAP Location: Detroit, MI

Service: Working with youth and the homeless and needy

Life outside GAP: Hanging out, music, movies, running.


Class of 2013-14

Evan Kresta

Home Community: UCO: Grand Valley State University (GVSU), MI

GAP Location: Detroit Community Outreach (DCO), Detroit, MI


Maria Meeds

Home Community: Community of Christ the Redeemer (CCR), MN

GAP Location: Word of Life Community (WOL), Ann Arbor, MI


Matt Hagen

Home Community: Community of Christ the Redeemer (CCR), MN

GAP Location: Detroit Community Outreach (DCO), Detroit, MI


Peter Gjengdahl 

Home Community: Community of Christ the Redeemer (CCR), MN

GAP Location: Word of Life Community (WOL), Ann Arbor, MI


Ryan Corr

Home Community: Charis, Belfast

GAP Location: Detroit Community Outreach (DCO), Detroit, MI


Sarah Bick

Home Community: Antioch, London

GAP Location: People of Hope Community (POH), New Jersey


Shannon McKee

Home Community: Charis, Belfast

GAP Location:  People of Hope Community (POH), New Jersey

Class of 2014-15

Aaron Andrade

Home Community: Jesus The Good Shepherd Community (JTGS), Toronto, Canada

GAP Location: Word of Life Community (WOL) Ann Arbor, Michigan


Jerald O'Neill

Home Community: Community of Christ The Redeemer (CCR) St. Paul, Minnesota

GAP Location: Work of Christ Community (WOC) Lansing, Michigan


Josh Koval

Home Community: Work of Christ Community (WOC), Lansing, MI

GAP Location: Triumph of The Cross Community (TCC), Frederick, MD

Class of 2015-16


Rodolfo Galvan

Home Community: Incienso de Dios; Xalapa, Mexico

GAP Location: Ann Arbor, MI


Angie Hagen 

Home Community: Community of Christ the Redeemer; St. Paul, MN

GAP Location: Detroit, MI


John Michael Hoyt

Home Community: City of the Lord, Phoenix, AZ

GAP Location: Lansing, MI


Kaitlin Kennedy

Home Community: Work of Christ; Lansing, MI

GAP Location: Detroit, MI


Madeline Mickler

Home Community: Spirit of Christ; Jacksonville, FL

GAP Location: Lansing, MI


Elisha Miranda

Home Community: City on the Hill; Los Angeles

GAP Location: Lansing, MI


Maggie Schmidt

Home Community: Community of Christ the Redeemer; St. Paul, MN

GAP Location:  Detroit, MI