We had a wonderful Legacy Conference last month in Jacksonville, Florida. This was the first year we ventured into the warmth of Florida instead of enjoying January in Minnesota or Michigan! We had 86 participants at this year’s Conference. Post-university/young professionals came from Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Seattle, Mexico, Costa Rica, and more (we lost some of our Minnesotans to a winter storm that shut down the airports, although a few others had already left to catch flights in Michigan and they made it).
Kairos Director James Munk was there. He says, “The weather in Florida was beautiful (75 degrees on Saturday), especially for us northerners. We enjoyed great times of fellowship: lots of friends re-connecting and many opportunities to form new friendships.
“On Sunday, we had ‘Professional Huddles,’ where we divided into various related professions to talk about being a disciple in today’s work world. We had talks on vision for lifelong discipleship, building a Christian culture, reaching out to and connecting with other young professionals, and taking risks for mission.”
Maggie, one of the participants originally from Minnesota, says, “It was very evident at the Legacy conference that the people attending were hungry for community, and we came there knowing that we are living in a culture that is starving for community. The retreat was both a place where we ourselves were fed (on fellowship and worship) as well as a place where we were equipped to bring something to our peers back home, who are eager for the life we have been given. Also, the beach outing was fun!”
“The first thought that immediately stood out was that there was a lot of practical things I was able to take away from the conference,” says Jason, from Michigan. “I feel I’ve been better equipped to be Jesus’ eyes and feet in my workplace. Also, The calling of being ‘salt and light’ was prevalent during the worship time for me. Sometimes during our work weeks, we get caught up in our jobs and lose sight of the mission and call of disciples. This was a good weekend to learn to combat that feeling and hit the ‘reset’ button on my outlook in my workplace. There was also a general feeling of excitement hovering over the whole weekend. (Might just been the 75-degree weather though!)
“All in all, it was a good weekend of worship, learning, and fellowship. I have renewed zeal for Lansing’s YPO (young professional outreach) and am eagerly looking forward to seeing how God uses me to grow his kingdom in Lansing!”
Travis, also from Michigan, tells us: “At the Legacy Conference this year I joined 80+ young professionals who came together to hear talks on building a culture, responding to the times, being on mission, and receiving the Holy Spirit to live out the faith more effectively. By the end of the time, the Lord had moved powerfully in stirring up a missional zeal for reaching other young professionals. The Holy Spirit came into the lives of many of the people attending, giving all of us much more power to live out our discipleship to Christ.”he Legacy Conference is one of the ministries of Kairos. We work to reach young people for Christ—from late elementary, through the middle and high-school years, into college, and in the years following university to full adulthood. We refer to each of these stages as points on the “youth bridge.”The move into each new stage of life are times many young people fall away from Christ. The goal of Kairos is that they remain disciples of Christ. You are a very important part of this mission; thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!
Your brother in the Lord,
James Munk
Kairos Director