Kairos exists to serve Sword of the Spirit teens and their friends. We serve them when we awaken them to a venturesome faith, invite them to give a generous response to the Lord, and offer them a place in Christ’s mission. We help youth workers, then parents, then community leaders do the same.


Kairos is the ancient Greek word for the opportune moment, the special season, and the right time. It’s the time when God acts, and we respond.

Young people live in just this sort of time. It’s when they make the decisions that determine the person they will become and when they have the opportunity to give their whole lives for something truly significant.

Our organization was created to encounter young men and women during this kairos in their lives, and invite them into the adventure of discipleship.

(A side note of clarification: We are not the organization that originated or currently facilitates the "Kairos Retreat" which is a retreat for high school youth patterned after the Cursillo Retreat, an adult retreat movement founded by Spanish Catholics in the 1940s.)


Kairos is the regional youth program of  The Sword of the Spirit, an international, ecumenical association of Christian communities. These communities are not churches but groups of church-going families and singles striving to live as disciples on mission. Kairos North America serves The Sword of the Spirit Communities in North America.